of prescience

a soul warming day
of thoughtful cold and grey
of quiet movement
and a tolling bell summoning the rain
of which each heavenly pearl
enraptures me more deeply still
into the lanes and light that built my bones
and freshly coat the paths that walk me back
to where I will rest my head once more
when the evening comes
and softly lays me down

widen woods

did I know only good things
in the life I walked as a boy
striding like a milk-fed king
into the deepening woods
its gentle brooding and dank breath
seeping in my limber soul

and here I nailed my fledgling spirit
to the scabrous skin of every tree
staking a claim on these
melancholy choristers
to assert my own world
against the growing void

will spirits dance

where will they fly
our errant spirits
sunlit spores rising cleansed
from the glue of old bones

too young to leave just yet
so captured in the spark
of a new nascent dawn
to redeem life’s sweet tastes again

purified through many lives
let loose to feel a fresher wind
encouraging their flight
to dance new astral plains